VentureMom Monica Banks – Social Media Specialist

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Monica-headshotSometimes when you take a chance, your next opportunity falls into your lap. Monica Banks worked for a large marketing firm in the city and was acting as a branding consultant for major products like Gillette, Haagen Dazs and Similac. A move to the suburbs to start a family facilitated a leave from the corporate world. Now what?social_mediaedit

Monica had always loved the creative side of business and using her skills to help smaller businesses was piquing her interest. “When I was in college I was a food critic and loved the creative writing side of my assignments. It seemed a natural fit to go into a profession that was centered around content creation.”

VentureMom Tip Become a specialist in something new that everyone will need. 


At home with a new baby, she got a call from a friend. “She reached out asking me to help her with online marketing for her baby products and she needed a Social Media strategy. This was exactly what I wanted to do, and it sort of happened organically.” When Monica told her husband her plans to create her own firm, she says, “He was a little nervous, but told me to go for it and has been my rock since the beginning.”

The couple needed a nanny and this proved to be one of the hardest tasks in creating her new venture. Finally after three tries, she found the right person. “Knowing my son was being cared for just steps away allowed me to immerse myself in my work.” She used SEO and Social Media to create buzz and a strong web presence for her first client and this ultimately led to sales.social_mediaedit

Word of mouth sent other mom and baby related businesses her way, “Most of my clients are moms who have started their own ventures. It’s great that we are simpatico with the demands of motherhood. One time I missed a really important conference call. My daughter needed to go to the emergency room for stitches and that had to come first. Moms understand when something like that happens.”

Her second client started a baby gear line. Through her initial mom owned business clients, Monica has built a large network in the mommy world with relationships to the mommy bloggers, something that a small business can capitalize on particularity a business that caters to moms. This is where Monica is focusing her efforts, “My niche has become to help brand and market small mom-owned businesses.”

She feels creating a strong, consistent voice within several social media channels is important in establishing a brand’s identity. “I’m on top of the trends and can tailor the strategy to target my clients’ specific needs. SEO is so important and it’s foreign to many small business owners. I’m trained in SEO so that is really my value add.”

The Social Media world can sometimes seem to speak a different language but Monica is there to translate.
Special Offer for All VentureMoms: Enjoy 15% off of the “Getting Started Package”

• Includes a branded profile in two Social Media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.) and 1 hour of training via phone call with Q/A.

Link to package: Click Here
