Category: VentureMom Articles

Start a Blog to Relieve Crisis Stress

It may seem like an odd time to start a blog with the world shut down, but I think it’s the actually the perfect time and here’s why. A blog can relieve stress. Putting your thoughts “on paper” is a form of journaling that allows you to express yourself. Creativity

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Gratitude Journals are on My Christmas List

Every year my children send me their wish lists for Christmas. This year I decided to send them my own list. Actually, there was only one thing on it. Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about happiness and how I believe it is the ultimate currency. If you are happy,

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What’s Your Venture?

Many women who I meet want a new venture, whether it’s a new business or a cause or a volunteer job. Once the kids leave the nest and you become a free bird, you may feel that you now have time to do something new that really interests you or

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September is the New January

Do you feel that way? Somehow September and back to school time, make it feel like a new year to me. Summer vacation is over and now it’s time to get serious. But what to get serious about? Maybe it’s a fitness goal. Personally, I’ve been working diligently on the

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