Category: Featured VentureMoms

Featured VentureMom Angela O’Brien Founder of CleoBella

Angela O’Brien – CleoBella It was her year-long trip around the world with her husband, she the artisans who would eventually create her line of clothing and accessories. Cleaobella’s founder Angela O’Brien, “Ange”,  began as a model and then moved to making clothing which is loved by celebrities including Halle

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Featured VentureMom – Lisi Lerch 

Featured VentureMom – Lisi Lerch  After several years working on Wall Street, Lisi Lerch started her company in the Spring of 2001 while working full time in the recruiting office at Cornell University, while her new husband was getting his MBA. Her brand initially offered classic, Kentucky Derby hats that

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Featured VentureMom – Clare Hare Darien

Featured VentureMom – Clare Hare Darien A love of fabric led to a line of clothes. Clare Hare was on maternity leave from her investment banking job when she began to brainstorm with another new mom about a new venture. They came up with the idea of a line of

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Featured Venturemom Amy Lin Founder of Dear Sundays

Featured Venturemom Amy Lin Founder of Dear Sundays Amy Lin has created a beautiful experience with her Sundays salons.  “Going to the salon is about so much more than just getting your nails done — it’s a small, but powerful way to practice self-care for your mind and body. It’s

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Featured VentureMom- Tyler Haney

Featured VentureMom Tyler Haney In the bustling world of activewear, where performance meets style, Outdoor Voices shines as a beacon of inclusivity, positivity, and wellness. But behind the sleek designs and vibrant hues lies the story of the founder whose vision and passion have made Outdoor Voices a household name

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