Category: VentureMom Baby & Child

Jessica Hill – The Parent Collective

Link for Classes She met her husband while working in the arts in London but how did that lead her to starting a business in the states. Jessica Hill had both her children in the UK and with that came anxiety about having her babies so far from family. A

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Cheekie Charlie – Carla Palmer

Who knew her baby girl would lead her to a venture. When Carla Palmer’s baby was teething, bibs were a necessity but she couldn’t find something that was stylish and functional at the same time. “I told my husband I can do this better and we started brainstorming. I wanted

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Meredith Hubbard and Tracy Gohl – Easel Does It

What kind of job can you create where you can bring your kids with you, has little start-up costs and it makes money from day one? That’s what neighbors and new friends, Meredith Hubbard and Tracy Gohl asked each other when the economic crisis put their families in need of

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Leslie Pearlman – The Texthook

Digging through her bag, which was strapped on her stroller to find her ringing phone, probably her pediatrician calling back about her sick child who was now crying in his seat in the stroller, Leslie wished she had better access to her phone….and the ringing stopped, just as she found

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Allyson Downey & Melissa Post – weeSpring

The first time she walked into a Babies R Us, she burst into tears. Allyson Downey recalls what happened, “I looked up at a ten-foot wall of baby bottles and saw it as a metaphor for how completely unprepared I was to be a parent. So when I got home,

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Pamela K. Pik – College Counseling

With a high school student trying to choose the right college, Pam Pik decided, like so many mothers of juniors, that she needed to educate herself on the process. That pursuit of knowledge led her to a venture. She has now started her own consulting business for parents and kids

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Jennifer Roh – Diaper Bag Dailies

As her husband left with the baby to a neighborhood gathering and she stayed home with a napping child, he didn’t know what to grab for the diaper bag. That’s when Jennifer Roh thought how great it would be to have a prepared box or kit with everything a baby

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