Category: Web/Media/Book Ventures

Christina Geist – Boombox Gifts

It was a friend’s 40th birthday weekend that lead her to a new business. Christina Geist’s best friends from college set out over email to gather notes and photos from the friends and family of the gal being celebrated. Christina designed them all onto cards and presented them to her

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Wendy Walker – Author

A narcissistic mother has two teen-aged girls who go missing for three years and then one comes back. The detectives look at the psychology of narcissism to come up with answers. A rape victim is given a drug to forget the whole horrific incident. She works with a psychologist to

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Elizabeth Chandler – Film – Letters from Bagdad

Don’t miss the screening at the Darien Library on June 11 at 7:00pm.  She was a banker for over 20 years, but it was a passion project that captured her attention and lead her to a new venture. After working on Wall Street, Elizabeth Chandler set up a micro advisory company

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Jaimie De Fina Voehl – Good Vibes Productions

She went from being an intern with Dan Rather to becoming an Emmy-nominated producer and director specializing in short-format digital content. But it was a project for her family that gave Jaimie De Fina Voehl the idea that she could start her own business. Jaimie’s mother and brother are dentists

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Featured VentureMom – Kate Lynch – Verbal Jaunt

What brought this VentureMom back from Spain and into her own venture. Kate Lynch began her career working for internet startups in NYC during the dot com era. But when asked to take a job in production in Spain assisting with translation, she jumped at the chance. After three years,

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