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Featured VentureMom –  Mer St. Barth

Featured VentureMom – Mer St. Barth

I was lucky enough to visit St. Barths at the end of the pandemic and what a treat. It had been years since my husband and I had been there early in our marriage. The island did not disappoint and neither will this St. Barth’s brand. 

“Mer is a love story born in St Barth. The affair started innocently enough over 45 years ago when our family first visited the island. At that time St Barth was undeveloped and goats outnumbered people by a wide margin. All the island offered was an air strip, a pay phone and modest accommodations. But the water and the light were magical and it was love at first sight. Every holiday my in-laws packed up their 4 boys, each dressed in coat and tie, to make the pilgrimage to their island home. It’s no different today. All it takes is one glimpse and you are smitten. It’s not a crush, it’s a soul connection. A lifelong love story.

In 2003 my husband and I married at the Anglican Church in downtown Gustavia with the breeze blowing and a heavy scent of gardenias wafting through the church gardens. The local baker with a voice like an angel serenaded us with an Ava Maria that brought the house down. It was a dream island wedding with our rehearsal dinner at L’Esprit de Saline and the wedding party at Maya’s. Fireworks over the harbor filled the sky at midnight and champagne was poured into the wee hours. A few years later our beautiful children were baptized in that same church. Every holiday, countless memories and every family get together are strung together by St Barth.

Mer St Barth has been percolating within my heart for many years. Day dreaming often found me thinking about the perfect beach cover-up to wear at Saline Beach, or what my daughter would throw on for lunch at Cheval Blanc, how I could bottle up the scent, the color, the mood, the memory and transport it home. Designing our inaugural collection happened instinctively – it sprung forth in a whirl of hand designed block prints, saturated colors and frivolous fun details. We drew the label in the sand with a stick watching the sun set. The second I laid eyes on the first dress I just knew it was time.

Because this is a love story, it would be foolish to share it all at once. But what makes love long-lasting is trust, kindness and passion. For now, we bring you a collection of meticulously crafted dresses, cover-ups and a few favorite local home and beauty finds. There is so much more to come! Let the journey begin and with it our shared adventure.”

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