Carolyn Denholm – Tennis Wear in Singapore

Tennis was her passion, so when Carolyn and her three boys moved to Singapore for her husband’s job she still found time to play.  In her previous life, she was in PR for a cruise line in New York City.  She left that line of work when she had kids but soon discovered she wanted a venture outside of motherhood.

She looked to tennis. She saw that there was a need for cute, fun tennis wear in Singapore.  The tennis players there had little, if anything, to choose from.  So she decided to fill that void.  She met with a tennis clothing vendor in her home state of California to arrange for a wholesale relationship.  She brought the clothing back to Singapore and began a home based tennis wear shop.  This gave her the freedom to set her own hours around her kids’ schedules and had very little start up costs. Many of her friends and tennis partners even requested specific items so she was able to get items and sizes she knew she would sell.  She found a  perfect venture that fit with her family’s life and her passion.

VentureMom TIP
Look for a need where you are, centered around your passion, that you can fulfill.