Kim Apelt – Julep Lounge Clothing Line

Kim Apelt had a degree from Brown and masters from Harvard.  She was working on her PHD when she had her first child.  Her husband’s career came first and she put aside her PHD to raise children and move with her husband.  After a lot of soul searching, Kim wanted a business of her own.  Her brother had developed a washable yarn and Kim’s idea was to use the yarn to make clothes for kids and adults.

She began her line and started marketing the clothing at trunk shows.  This was an inexpensive way to pre-sell the line and test its viability.  With no training in fashion her friends from the fashion industry in New York City, called her crazy and naive.  But that naivety was what got her started.

“Sometimes you have to go for it even if all the expected training isn’t there.”  Kim wanted her own business and wanted to grow a brand.  That was her motivation.  This is how she launched a successful line of clothing.

She started working at home and as the business grew, she got an office in town and hired other women to help her.  With the birth of her third child she is back at home for a time. This is the beauty of having your own business.  You can adapt your hours and life style around your family.  Her other motivation was her Grandmother who embodied confident women well before her time.

Kim wanted to pursue something beyond her.  She felt a need to do something beyond motherhood.  It was her decision to start her own business and involve other women.

VentureMom TIP
Don’t let your inexperience or nativity stop you, sometimes it works in your favor to go in blind.