Tag: VentureMom (Demo)

Laurette Kittle – Walker and Wade

In her past life she worked in the fabric industry, but it was her husband and son who helped her recreate her career later in life. Laurette Kittle was a fabric designer and created patterns for firms like Waverly and Schumacher. “I spent the first part of my career painting

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Elizabeth Chandler – Film – Letters from Bagdad

Don’t miss the screening at the Darien Library on June 11 at 7:00pm.  She was a banker for over 20 years, but it was a passion project that captured her attention and lead her to a new venture. After working on Wall Street, Elizabeth Chandler set up a micro advisory company

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Unbakables – July & Corey Tolkin

  Who doesn’t LOVE cookie dough? When her kids were young, Julie would let them eat some of the dough from her cookies but always worried about the raw eggs in the dough. So she and her sister decided it was a “culinary challenge” of sorts to create a cookie dough

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Leslie Josel – Order Out of Chaos

Shop Leslie’s academic planners! She took to organization like a duck to water with her first job in human resources. When Leslie Josel was called in to figure out how employees could be more efficient, she turned to the organization of the internal systems workers were using to complete their

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Lauren Calahan – LEAP4Change

She was always a teacher; she even started her own preschool, but how did Lauren Calahan turn her passion into a business venture. Lauren has been fascinated by the intersection of leadership, education, empowerment and philanthropy her entire adult life. When teaching elementary school in Boston, Lauren came across a

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Featured VentureMom – Susan Morrow – Photo Triage

I’m one of those moms with mounds of photos in boxes, on my computer and in albums, but whenever I think about getting them organized, the thought is overwhelming. If that’s you too, this VentureMom can help.  Get one of her packages in the VentureMom Marketplace here.  Start with a free

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Featured VentureMom – Yvonne Oxley – Komfort Zone

It was her son’s skin condition that lead her to a new business venture. When Yvonne Oxley’s son was in his 20s he developed eczema and the commercial soaps in the marketplace only worsened his condition. The doctor prescribed a steroidal cream and this bothered Yvonne so she did some

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