Tag: VentureMom Tip

Kelly Daniel – Modern Day Auction and Estate Sales

Kelly Daniel always loved tag sales, antiques and searching for treasures. “I’m always scouring estate sales to find things for my own home.” Her first business began when a friend she knew heard that she was “tag sale savvy” and asked Kelly  to help her sell her things on EBay.

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What’s Your Venture?

Many women who I meet want a new venture, whether it’s a new business or a cause or a volunteer job. Once the kids leave the nest and you become a free bird, you may feel that you now have time to do something new that really interests you or

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Pamela Pik – College Counseling

With a high school student trying to choose the right college, Pam Pik decided, like so many mothers of juniors, that she needed to educate herself on the process. That pursuit of knowledge led her to a venture. She has now started her own consulting business for parents and kids

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September is the New January

Do you feel that way? Somehow September and back to school time, make it feel like a new year to me. Summer vacation is over and now it’s time to get serious. But what to get serious about? Maybe it’s a fitness goal. Personally, I’ve been working diligently on the

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Wendy Walker – Author

A narcissistic mother has two teen-aged girls who go missing for three years and then one comes back. The detectives look at the psychology of narcissism to come up with answers. A rape victim is given a drug to forget the whole horrific incident. She works with a psychologist to

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