Tag: moms work at home (Demo)

Kristin Edwards – kpe Arts

Art and travel had always been her thing, but what to do to combine both to create a new business venture. Kristin Edwards studied art history in school and worked for several years at two contemporary art galleries in New York City. She left when her kids were born but

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Joanna Rein – Soggy Doggy Doormat

Exciting News!!! This mom’s product is the first item in our new VentureMom store. I have a Soggy Doggy Doormat and it’s amazing. Lucky loves it and it dries his paws when he comes in from the yard. He’s even sleeping on it. Get one for your dog and kids

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Nina Weld – Illustrator – Cartoon Contest Winner

Sometimes life makes you come to a complete stop and you have to hit “reset.” Nina Weld had always loved drawing and was a perpetual doodler but she never dreamed she could take make a living with her passion. Her early career years were spent in marketing and raising two

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Carol Romanoff – Art Consultant

Her entire career was spent in translating what she saw in the world of color and pattern to everyday uses. So when Carol Romanoff saw an opportunity to translate trends through art, she took a chance. With an education in Functional Clothing Design, she was trained to create clothing for

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