Featured VentureMom – Connie Tallman – College Counselor

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FullSizeRender1It was her life long career that became her own venture. Connie Tallman was the oldest of six children so that meant she was the one who helped her younger siblings when they were working to get into college. When she had her own children, she got her Master’s degree and state certification as a school counselor. She then had an internship with Fairfield University as a counselor at the high school in Fairfield, CT. This was in the 1980s. From there her career took her to Trumble High School. “I worked with all kinds of kids at all levels of academics, and kids who were working their way out of difficult situations.”a_grade_tn

Her next career stop was a private prep school. So Connie has seen in all. Retiring after 25 years, she was ready take a break. But when a friend’s daughter needed some guidance, doing what she was trained to do was so much fun. Someone told her, you should have your own business counseling children and parents and guiding through the application process. Connie’s many years and varied work environments had certainly prepared her for this but her own business? “Working for myself seemed like the perfect proposition. I feel lucky that I’m retired but I still get to work with young people.”

coloured_globe_tnHer first paying student was VentureMom’s own son, Dylan, and that was 5 years ago. From there word of mouth has spread the word on how Connie can really focus one on one with a child and steer them in the right direction. She says, “I first meet with the child and the parents, but before long the students are calling and texting me directly. My relationship grows with the student and parents appreciate this autonomy.”

Connie has her own process that involves assessing a student’s academic and extracurricular performance. She helps the student create a timeline for the testing, the search process and the application deadlines. The resume and essays are part of her assistance as well. She has a unique way to understand a student’s goals, abilities and personality to suggest the group of colleges that would be the right fit.

Connie’s reputation has grown and she now works with about 8 – 12 students a year, “This is the perfect amount of commitment and allows me time to focus on each student’s needs.” She says her busiest time is the fall when applications are due, “I usually have back to back meetings on the weekends during that time.” Her husband is really supportive and knows that she loves what she does. Her own children are entrepreneurs themselves so they totally understand the spirit of running your own business and are very proud of their mom.

Connie says, “The best thing about what I do is that I get to use my 25 years of experience to help kids fulfill their full potential.” This seems like a win win situation for not only Connie but all the students she helps. “I enjoy seeing the maturity and change in kids going from their junior year to college freshmen, truly fulfilling.”

Contact: [email protected], 203-858-7785