Esther Blum – Integrative Dietitian



























Esther’s grandfather Harry had an operating room in his home in Brooklyn and after his wife Regina put the ether mask on Esther’s face, he took her tonsils out when she was six years old. But how did Esther go from growing up with a mini-hospital home filled with Harry’s paintings to becoming a dietitian? As it turns out Regina was also a dietitian, Esther’s father was a dermatologist, and her mother was a nurse. So maybe it was written in the stars.

Harry wanted Esther to be a doctor, but Esther’s father advised her against it. She loved the sciences and felt clinical dietetics was the best of both worlds, and went on to pursue both a BS and MS in clinical nutrition. Harry told her, “Why would you ever become a dietitian?!? You’re never going to make any money!” “Watch me!” thought Esther.

Health food for fitness concept with fresh fruit, vegetables, pulses, herbs, spices, nuts, grains and pulses. High in anthocyanins, antioxidants,smart carbohydrates, omega 3 fatty acids, minerals and vitamins.

Esther’s first job out of Simmons College was at Boston City Hospital. She spent a year there and then pursued graduate school at NYU, where she completed her clinical internship at Beth Israel Medical Center—and was then offered a job in the cardiology units. She spent almost five years there before going rogue to pursue functional medicine and start her own private practice.

Clients came through word of mouth and she loved it. “But when the towers fell on 9/11 things changed. A year later, I struggled to maintain my practice and had to close it down—one of my biggest heartaches. I took some time to reevaluate my next step and started writing Eat, Drink, and Be Gorgeous.”

During that year, Esther was also in contact with the Vice President of PerriconeMD, who was opening a Madison Avenue spa. It took another year for the spa to open and Esther to relaunch her practice as the Director of Nutrition. Unbeknownst to Esther, the Spa Director pitched Esther’s book to Dr. Perricone’s agent. She landed a three-book deal and was over the moon. Eat, Drink, and Be Gorgeous was published in April 2007 and became Chronicle Books’ top-selling heath book. “I wanted to make nutrition sexy and fun. Your body may be a temple, but who says it can’t be a nightclub?”






Esther went on to publish Secrets of Gorgeous, The Eat Drink and Be Gorgeous Project, and Cavewomen Don’t Get Fat. Esther believes in providing physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual support to her clients. “Treating the whole person is paramount.”

Her passion for health is infectious. Esther has made numerous television and radio appearances and appeared in various print publications touting her mantra. “I’m all about helping people live a great life. Some women come to me looking to balance their hormones, get their libido back and feel like the best version of themselves. They’ve lost their groove and so often it has to do with their food choices, chronic stress, poor sleep, and negative self-talk—all of which can cause estrogen, progesterone and testosterone to bottom out and the pounds to pile on. I can guide them to a happier life through what they eat, powerful mindset shifts, and a strategic eating and supplement plan based on comprehensive metabolic testing. “

One client says, “She delivers a wonderful combination of professional guidance, encouragement and girlfriend honesty to help her clients achieve results.” Esther says working for herself gives her the flexibility she wants so she can balance the needs of her business with the needs of her family. “I love what I’m doing and am ecstatic to witness my clients’ transformations from the inside out!” She knew she was destined to do this all along.

VentureMom Tip
Follow your destiny.

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