Tag: diet

Amy Kiser – Jane Street Wellness

What did you used to do and how do you think your past career or interests are guiding your current business? My initial career was as a Strategic Planner at New York City ad agencies. Ironically, I was the one leading the market research to learn how to make products

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Esther Blum – Integrative Dietitian

                                                    Esther’s grandfather Harry had an operating room in his home in Brooklyn and after his wife Regina put the ether mask on Esther’s face,

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September is the New January

Do you feel that way? Somehow September and back to school time, make it feel like a new year to me. Summer vacation is over and now it’s time to get serious. But what to get serious about? Maybe it’s a fitness goal. Personally, I’ve been working diligently on the

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Would the Skinny Jeans Diet Work for Me?

When my favorite jeans were feeling a bit tight, I went on a lock down with my food intake. But I knew I needed some guidance. By chance I met Jacqui Justice at an event and she told me she was a nutritionist. A VentureMom to the rescue! I asked

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