Tag: women (Demo)

Laurie Noel Meek – Office Candy

When she was in grade school, her Dad’s secretary was the coolest person around. “She could type really fast and had the best supplies – paperclips, staplers, pencils and folders.” With this memory it is only natural that Laurie Noel Meek’s venture years later is in office supplies. One of

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Brenda Bazan and Nancy Hayes – Moola-Hoop

What happens when two women who spent their entire careers focused on micro finance and assisting start-ups, decide to start a venture that will help women fund new businesses. Brenda Bazan and Nancy Hayes first met at IBM in the 1980s. They each went on to different career paths but

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Megan Searfoss – Run Like a Mother

How often does a bit of encouragement from a sibling, change the course of your life?  At 30 years old and with a two year old, Megan Searfoss was not a runner, but when her sister who lived 4 hours away suggested they run a marathon together  – she thought,

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Sarina Galu – TuckaDream

Nightmares can be scary at all ages, but when Sarina Galu’s son, Tucker, at age 3, woke up for the fourth night in a row from bad dreams, she needed a solution and her son was looking for security.  His blankie had long since disintegrated and was reduced to a

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Kim Beaumont – Downunder

Ever think about taking a kayak tour with girlfriends in the moonlight?  How about a yoga class on a paddle board?  Or having a family kayak race to a lighthouse? Well Kim Beaumont has and offers these fun adventures from her surf shop on Five Mile River in Rowayton and

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Anne Wells – The Ashe Collection

Her love of Tanzania has come full circle.  Anne Wells recently launched a new online store called The Ashe Collection to feature unique lines of Maasai jewelry, hand-beaded belts and sandals, Indian Dhow sail bags and wall art made by local tribespeople in East Africa.  All sales directly benefit her

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Paula Rapp – Green Pear Health

When you’re a nurse in the Emergency Room you experience first-hand what happens with a patient and family members in an emergency situation.  That’s what Paula Rapp repeatedly witnessed over many years.  With a degree in psychology, she didn’t ultimately imagine herself as a nurse and upon graduation, got an

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Jessica Mindich – Jewelry for a Cause

One day, Jessica found herself wandering aimlessly around the supermarket, and came to the realization that she was desperate to go back to work.  Leaving her 80 hour a week job as an attorney to raise her two boys, who were now in school all day, she had time on

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