Tag: Feature VentureMom

Rhonda Sherwood – Sherwood Green Beauty

Grand Opening Wednesday, November 14th 5 – 8pm, 271 Greenwich Avenue How did an engineering major, end up opening a beauty store? Rhonda Sherwood grew up in a super crunchy granola family in the mid-west. “I was embarrassed by not being able to serve junk food to my friends when

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Kelly Daniel – Modern Day Auction and Estate Sales

Kelly Daniel always loved tag sales, antiques and searching for treasures. “I’m always scouring estate sales to find things for my own home.” Her first business began when a friend she knew heard that she was “tag sale savvy” and asked Kelly  to help her sell her things on EBay.

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Pamela Pik – College Counseling

With a high school student trying to choose the right college, Pam Pik decided, like so many mothers of juniors, that she needed to educate herself on the process. That pursuit of knowledge led her to a venture. She has now started her own consulting business for parents and kids

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Public Speaking Fears

Does public speaking make you cringe? Me too, but I do it anyway. In my early days on Wall Street I was asked to speak about my trading in front of fairly large groups and I was terrified. I’d even have a shot of scotch beforehand just to help me

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Wendy Walker – Author

A narcissistic mother has two teen-aged girls who go missing for three years and then one comes back. The detectives look at the psychology of narcissism to come up with answers. A rape victim is given a drug to forget the whole horrific incident. She works with a psychologist to

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