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Self Published Book – Tracy Fox – Having a Heart for God Daily Devotional

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A lot has happened in Tracy Fox’s venture since we first profiled her several years ago. Her web site now delivers daily devotionals to over 8000 followers. And when her fans told her that they wanted a print copy of her daily devotionals to give as gifts, Tracy set out to deliver. “I found that the least expensive way to create a book was to self publish.” She used Create Space on Amazon, hired a cover artist for the outside look and a proofreader and format specialist for the inside content.

Have a Heart For God, 365 Days of the One Minute Bible Study serves up bite size bible study each day of the year. Readers will find the verse, Tracy’s take on it and a one minute reflection on how to put the notion in to one’s practical everyday life. Her readers say things of the daily devotionals, “You have no idea how these bless me.” “I just forwarded your message to my three girls.” “Your insights and declarations are right to the point and inspirational as well.”

Now that she had the book, she had to market the book, “As a self published author, I knew that I would be promoting the book myself. Most book requests come from word of mouth and the five star reviews on Amazon from readers…people I have never even met. I’ve had some celebrity endorsements as well.” It took a while to garner traction but once Tracy was featured on the spiritual radio show, 180, sales really started to pick up. And her book as been featured as one of the best new devotionals in the top selling magazine, Life Beautiful.

Tracy says, “I feel really great that I was able to do this, it’s always been a goal to have a book to share with others.” Read about how she got started in her first story on here.

Tracy Fox – Spiritual Website