Category: Blog

Lynda Fassa – Green Babies

With a former career as a Ford model, a colicky baby that cried 24/7and in desperate need of an income, Lynda Fassa wasn’t sure what to do with her diverse skill set and a child that couldn’t be left with a sitter.  By chance, she saw an article on cotton

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Kim Beaumont – Downunder

Ever think about taking a kayak tour with girlfriends in the moonlight?  How about a yoga class on a paddle board?  Or having a family kayak race to a lighthouse? Well Kim Beaumont has and offers these fun adventures from her surf shop on Five Mile River in Rowayton and

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Rosey Costello – Everything is Rosey

Buying gifts for others led this mom to have her own gift shop.  When Rosey Costello found a hand knit sweater she liked for her son at a gift show, she was sold.  Learning that the vendor wasn’t returning the following year in time for the holidays, Rosey asked if

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Guest Blog- Take Care of Yourself First by Laura Van Riper

All too often women, especially mothers, use the three dirtiest words in the English language: “should, could, and would”.  This type of thinking is an energy-draining, unproductive trap that is important to avoid. You are most likely wearing too many hats to do anything perfectly. In addition to taking care

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Deb Golden – Garden Fairy Tea Parties

How do you combine a love of gardening, singing, cooking, and entertaining to create a venture, and add a 4 year old to the mix and a baby on the way. That’s what Deb Golden was trying to figure out after she moved to Connecticut from Australia three years ago.

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Stephanie Heinecken – Saxsy Bags

It’s seems fitting that someone who worked for the well known environmentalist John Denver would end up creating a venture that is working towards protecting the environment.  Stephanie Heineken stayed in Colorado after attending the University of Boulder.  Working as an editor and writer on wildlife documentaries for PBS kept

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Guest Blog – How to be a Writer by Christina Cush

The number one question I get asked by moms is, “How can I get started as a writer?”  Here’s what I’ve learned over twenty years of professionally writing and editing: 1. Consider school. Even if you weren’t Journalism major in college and did very little writing in your pre-children career,

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Anne Wells – The Ashe Collection

Her love of Tanzania has come full circle.  Anne Wells recently launched a new online store called The Ashe Collection to feature unique lines of Maasai jewelry, hand-beaded belts and sandals, Indian Dhow sail bags and wall art made by local tribespeople in East Africa.  All sales directly benefit her

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Paula Rapp – Green Pear Health

When you’re a nurse in the Emergency Room you experience first-hand what happens with a patient and family members in an emergency situation.  That’s what Paula Rapp repeatedly witnessed over many years.  With a degree in psychology, she didn’t ultimately imagine herself as a nurse and upon graduation, got an

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