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Featured VentureMom – Andrea Ruby- Living Forward

This week’s featured VentureMom is Andrea Ruby- Living Forward

Sometimes the best next step in a journey is a leap of faith. For Andrea Ruby, that leap led her to the most fulfilling professional experience of her career. Today, she is the Founder and CEO of the women owned business and senior move management company, Living Forward. After an impressive career in finance and sales, Andrea was itching for a change that felt more meaningful. A friend suggested she apply for a job as a move manager for a senior moving company … .and that’s when everything changed. 


It only took me 40 years to find my calling,” Andrea says about discovering what the truly purpose-filled work meant to her. Andrea loves supporting seniors by helping them transition out of their lifelong homes into a smaller home that’s “just right” for their later years in life.


“Often, a person’s children don’t live in the area, or they are too busy with work and family. Sometimes a family simply needs a third party to assist in these types of moves which can be emotional and cause stress between loved ones. For Andrea and her team at Living Forward, they know sometimes being a gentle support can mean the most to the person moving.  “I’ve sat and listened to such interesting stories about so many sentimental items. It’s almost like being a therapist as someone is transitioning out of a place they’ve known for years.” Empathy and compassion are key, and Andrea has these qualities in spades. 


No two days are the same for Andrea and no job is too big or small for Living Forward. Recently one of her jobs took six dumpsters and required her to sell a car and a boat and to catalog and value everything in a very large house for a family estate. “That was probably my biggest job so far, so it was important we delivered exceptional service. We do all the moving ourselves. We own our trucks and our team is in-house.” 

When asked why she is so passionate about what she does, Andrea says, “When I see the look on a client’s face, when they understand that I’m there to help them, that is priceless. I get letters of thanks and it’s so rewarding. Truly, I have found my calling.”


Andrea’s business Living Forward,  is such a success in Fairfield County that she’s recently expanded her team to Boston. “It can be scary to have employees that rely on your leadership for their paycheck, but my team is great. I hope to have my son and his friends join the team soon!”


What was the question she asked herself when she was thinking of going out on her own, “Can I do this?” All her friends said, “Why AREN’T you doing this?” That answer sent her on her path to her own successful business. 


VentureMom Tip

Don’t be afraid to go out on your own if you have the skills you need.