Tag: healthy lifestyle

September is the New January

Do you feel that way? Somehow September and back to school time, make it feel like a new year to me. Summer vacation is over and now it’s time to get serious. But what to get serious about? Maybe it’s a fitness goal. Personally, I’ve been working diligently on the

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Would the Skinny Jeans Diet Work for Me?

When my favorite jeans were feeling a bit tight, I went on a lock down with my food intake. But I knew I needed some guidance. By chance I met Jacqui Justice at an event and she told me she was a nutritionist. A VentureMom to the rescue! I asked

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Jacqui Justice – Nutritionist

Book Jacqui in the VentureMom Marketplace today!!! She traveled the world showcasing women’s accessories but she wasn’t fulfilled. Jacqui Justice began to study nutrition and wellness to help treat her own digestive issues. “I went to doctor after doctor searching for answers until I finally found a naturopathic who figured

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