Tag: entreprenuer (Demo)

Kristin Edwards – kpe Arts

Art and travel had always been her thing, but what to do to combine both to create a new business venture. Kristin Edwards studied art history in school and worked for several years at two contemporary art galleries in New York City. She left when her kids were born but

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Ethel-Anne Roome – Grief Recovery Specialist®

Do you ever witness a friend’s venture and you just know that’s what you’re supposed to do too? That’s what happened with Ethel-Anne Roome. A friend of hers was working towards her certification from The Grief Recovery Institute and needed volunteer participants. When Ethel-Anne took the course it changed the

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Carrie Memmesheimer – The Cookie Workshop

Attending a birthday party for her niece where the 7 year old guests got to make and decorate their own cookies, she thought “what a great idea.” Due to downsizing of her company, Carrie Memmesheimer was laid off from her Technology Business Group Manager job at a human resources company

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Sarina Galu – TuckaDream

Nightmares can be scary at all ages, but when Sarina Galu’s son, Tucker, at age 3, woke up for the fourth night in a row from bad dreams, she needed a solution and her son was looking for security.  His blankie had long since disintegrated and was reduced to a

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Karen Hughan – Good Gardens

With a Grandmother who was an avid gardener, Karen Hughan helped plant flowers and vegetables each spring, and this experience planted the seeds of her future career.  Karen’s father also loved to garden and as he passed away at a young age, gardening became a way of staying connected to

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Kelsey Banfield – The Naptime Chef

When her hobby collided with her professional life it was “an eye opening experience.” Kelsey Banfield was a self-professed foodie and found her first job at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital, putting together a collection of recipes to create a charitable cookbook to benefit the hospital. As it was being compiled, Rizzoli

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Carolyn Jeffrey – CRJ Event Management

How do you take a full-time job in New York City and turn it into your own venture that works around your new schedule with kids?  Carolyn Jeffrey planned events for Channel 13.  But when her first child was born, she says, “I went back to work for a minute,

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