Tag: Entrepreneur

Public Speaking Fears

Does public speaking make you cringe? Me too, but I do it anyway. In my early days on Wall Street I was asked to speak about my trading in front of fairly large groups and I was terrified. I’d even have a shot of scotch beforehand just to help me

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Wendy Walker – Author

A narcissistic mother has two teen-aged girls who go missing for three years and then one comes back. The detectives look at the psychology of narcissism to come up with answers. A rape victim is given a drug to forget the whole horrific incident. She works with a psychologist to

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Annabelle Marvin – Annabelle’s Collection

It was a gift idea that lead her to a venture. Annabelle Marvin loved making presents for friends, so she began designing gold and silver bracelets for birthdays and as hostess gifts. “I was overwhelmed by the positive response.” One day she was shopping in a local store when the

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Rose Tracy – Cast Away Crew

Get your Cast Away Crew member here!!! It was her daughter’s broken arm that lead her to a create her own business. Rose Tracy’s seven-year-old had a cast on her arm and couldn’t get to sleep. “We wrapped her arm with towels and blankets and laid it on her stuffed

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